Scar Camouflage - Semi Permanent Makeup Or Tattoo?

“I am confused, I have heard this treatment being referred to as a skin camouflage tattoo and also as scar camouflage permanent makeup - what is the case?”

Scar camouflage tattoo - is scar camouflage treatment the same as a tattoo? Skin camouflage tattoo permanent makeup

Skin camouflage treatment for scars where pigment is inserted into the upper layers of the skin is in itself just called skin camouflage. When it comes to technicality, the reality is that it falls under the semi-permanent makeup category as it is just that, semi-permanent lasting 2-3 years. The reason it is sometimes called a skin camouflage tattoo is because the equipment used to apply the pigment is similar, and sometimes the same as that used for actual tattoos.

Another thing to be aware of is that some tattoo artists do carry out this treatment using their own tattoo ink pigments - these should not be used for skin camouflaging and here is where some people (like myself) tend to avoid the term ‘skin camouflage tattoo’ as much as possible.

The pigments tattoo artists use are different to those formulated for semi-permanent makeup, which is infact what skin camouflaging is. The reason for this is due to the technique used and the depth the needle goes into the skin.

If you were to look for skin camouflage on the NHS they would refer to this treatment as either name, so you should not be put off, just ensure to do your research as to where you go by yourself as you will be the one living with the results for the next couple of years. Scar camouflage is not prescribed through the NHS so they will just recommend you seek this service out if it is of any interest to you.

In summary, if you were seeking a stretch mark camouflage tattoo, vitiligo camouflage tattoo or scar camouflage micropigmentation you are in the best place to become educated on the matter! Don’t hesitate to have a read though the blog posts and booking page to clear up any questions you may have about skin camouflage for scars or feel free to leave a comment with any other questions you may have.


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