Hi, I’m Keira!
Certified practitioner and advanced adult education teacher I specialise in helping people with visual differences, skin conditions and those who generally want to feel more confident achieve it.
I have a lot of experience with skin conditions and self-confidence issues due to personal struggles with vitiligo, acne and vitamin deficiency so I am aware of how important it is to feel confident in your appearance.
My journey first started when I was 14 and used to have to get my makeup on prescription from my doctor to hide my various skin conditions. It was awful to say the least and made my skin look worse. I began mixing this prescription makeup with all sorts of serums and oils and came up with a decent concoction that done the job half decently and made me confident enough to leave the house. Through my whole teenage years I had 0 self esteem or self confidence. I physically could not open the door to the postman or go anywhere without my ’mask’ on. At 18 I started taking this seriously, researching and formulating my own products such as concealer from scratch and making makeup for other people over the internet - falling in love with the satisfaction of making other people feel super confident and seeing the light go back into their faces. I learned all about the importance of colour theory and also what really works for people with skin needing extra TLC.
I’ve always been my own customer, so my expectations of myself are always high when creating my own products or when I’m performing my work. Not only do I religiously use my own products daily, I also have performed skin camouflage, lip neutralisation, laser and scalp treatments on myself multiple times too! I love learning as much as I love teaching and due to my daring nature, test and find new methods or techniques other people may be afraid to.
After spending years assisting individuals behind the scenes online, or just sending out products in the post, I decided to travel 6 hours and train in very specific advanced treatments where I can express my creativity even more, and also continue to make people feel amazing in themselves. After some more practising and perfecting, I decided that I would start carrying them out in my own signature style. I'm passionate about assisting each and every person who contacts me in regaining their identity and confidence. You can be sure that when you choose me to perform your treatments or to become your educator, you're working with someone who genuinely cares about your wellbeing and who has the history and expertise necessary to produce excellent results. I'll be there for you every step of the process.
Awarded the Judges Award by Fiona Bruce & Bim Alofami for my work and contribution to my niche/community.